Saturday, June 24, 2006

Heading North

Do you ever get mad at someone, then get even madder because they don't know you're mad at them, and then when they finally say, "Hey, are you mad at me about something?"
you say...."No."

Or is that just me?

"Last night I dreamt I went to Manderly again of tornadoes again..."

I do dream of tornadoes sometimes.
Yesterday, as I drove back from Ardmore after dropping my Gorgeous Daughter with her Sperm Donor Dad, I was eerily reminded of a recent (premonitory?) dream...

In my dream...I was driving back from Ardmore, alone, having left my Handsome Son with Grandma because it was hot outside and the a/c in my car doesn't get cold.
The radio was off, and I was enjoying the silence and being alone with my own thoughts.
In my dream...I was driving out of the blue and into the black; sun-washed blue skies and puffy marshmallow clouds gave way to ominous gray anvils, bowl-shaped lowerings, and blurry slate-colored curtains in the distance advertising the rainfall.
In my dream...I became aware of the cool kiss of the freshening wind, the lush verdant scent giving way to the lighter smell of rain even as the first drops hit my windshield.
In my dream...within seconds I am nearly blind in the deluge, as I attempt to drive, crank up the windshield wipers and turn on the radio to listen to the weather all at the same time.
In my dream...I notice the cars pulling over, lining the roadside. Up ahead I see cars taking shelter under the overpass.
I hear the BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEP of the radio, signaling a Warning.
I hear a roaring wind.
I see appear before me a whirling picks up my car in slow motion, turning me around and around, and I smile at the Dondi-esque faces of the people watching, with "O"s for eyes and mouths.
Fade to black.

What really happened yesterday...I was driving back from Ardmore, alone, having left my Handsome Son with Grandma because it was hot outside and the a/c in my car doesn't get cold.
The radio was off, and I was enjoying the silence and being alone with my own thoughts.
What really happened yesterday...I was driving out of the blue and into the black; sun-washed blue skies and puffy marshmallow clouds gave way to ominous gray anvils, bowl-shaped lowerings, and blurry slate-colored curtains in the distance advertising the rainfall.
What really happened yesterday...I became aware of the cool kiss of the freshening wind, the lush verdant scent giving way to the lighter smell of rain even as the first drops hit my windshield.
What really happened yesterday...within seconds I am nearly blind in the deluge, as I attempt to drive, crank up the windshield wipers and turn on the radio to listen to the weather all at the same time.
What really happened yesterday...I notice the cars pulling over, lining the roadside. Up ahead I see cars taking shelter under the overpass....

But I just kept driving.

Creepy, yes?

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