Saturday, February 26, 2005

Say WHAT?!

But first...
Did anyone else catch the "Stars Without MakeUp" on FOX Thursday night? I was told that some of the celebrities tried to prevent this show for airing, saying that it 'de-humanized' them. To me, I think it only made them appear to be more human to the unwashed masses. To see a hot celebrity sporting cellulite, droops & bulges, wrinkles & bags...only makes me love them more. Celebrities, you're real people too. Why be so afraid to show that you actually carry your own groceries? (except of course for you, Rosie)

I came across this at Cam's place (where I always find the latest scoop!) and 'borrowed' it in order to give my fellow and favored bloggers the chance to sound off.
I think it goes a long way in proving The Doctors' point that intelligent people are idiots too.

To see the complete article, click HERE. It's worth a look.

Cam says...
Not the watermelon-smashing Gallagher. Conservative talk-show host Mike Gallagher went off on the blogs on his show the other day.

He said that bloggers are a bunch of "geeky losers in their basements cranking out crap on a computer" and that blogging provides "power for freak-shows to harass and destroy individuals."

"I am worried about this trend of legitimizing bloggers," Gallagher said.

He then went on to reveal his ignorance of how blogs work by saying that bloggers send out "thousands and thousands" of emails to people whether they like it or not.

Gallagher continued, "I am not enamored with the bloggers... I think it is a breeding ground for a lot of bad, bad things."

Gallagher stated what really bothers him about blogging is that "anybody can do it."

So, whatchall think? Ready to step up on the soapbox (sorry, the one I have actually is a soapbox, Tide to be exact, so you'll have to step carefully and take turns). But I'm very interested in what you have to say.

By the way, although I am sort of a geek, my basement is way too small and damp to accomodate my computer. It is strictly "Tornado Warning" Use Only. And while I do frequently harass individuals, I believe I have yet to actually destroy anyone. I do dream about it, though. And never once have I sent out thousands and thousands of e-mails...I'm far too lazy.

Ready? Set? GO!


Shannon akaMonty said...

I KNOW! I have yet to spam anyone, about anything. Where does this guy get his (erroneous) information?!

Perhaps he should take a look in the 'loser geek' mirror...

Dividual Reality said...

Okay, so he is afraid of us destroying people... by the things we say on the internet? Now he has said in his own voice that we are freaks and geeks and losers... what the hell is with that.

Not that I mind being called a geek, because geek is sheik.

It's unintelligent hypocrisy like this that makes me damn proud to be an American!

Look, I dont care about politics... thus I dont blog about it. Do us a favor, and don't talk about things you don't understand.

/rant off

Anonymous said...

for starters I don't even have a basement. I wanted to be a geek but I'm just not that smart.

as far as a breeding ground for idiots and bad bad things goes, I seem to recall that we had plenty of them before the greatess of Al Gore brought us this internet thingy.

Tammy said...

Ok, so I missed this show. I have to get a basement to be a blogger?! That's a problem as I live in Florida and we don't have them here.

AND I get to be a geek?! Cool!

Oh, btw...Hello, Michele sent me! Glad to be back for another meet and greet!

Anonymous said...

Michelle says hi...

I think bloggers can be good or bad, it can put people with a complete lack of objectivity and common sense in a position of power to persuade individuals. On the same note it can give voice to legit individuals who have something to contribute to the community, something to share or something to bring to the light of the world. In my personal experience for every decent to great blog a stumble across I have to wade through a few crap ones. However I am confident that blogging is giving voice to some important people around the world. Thats my 2 cents..

/* gets off soap box.


Anonymous said...

has this jackass ever seen a blog?

stars without make up, did not see but on entertainement tonight they looked pretty bad and if i looked that bad i would try to keep it off the TV too. ;)

but ya, it is nice to know they're human.

Anonymous said...

oh, forgot, michele sent me. don't want to disobey the rules. ;)

Last Girl On Earth said...

How ignorant can you get? This guy must have had a very unhappy childhood...and his mother dressed him funny, too! Even if he HAD a blog, I'll bet it would be so dull nobody would read it!

Michele sent me, but I have to say that I have been here before! And I'll be back again soon! (Come over and visit when you get a minute!)

Michele said...

Oh my goodness.

*pause while lightbulb appears above head*

It is brilliant "thousands and thousands" of spam letters saying "Hello, Michele sent me."

Cool, eh?

Damn, I need a brighter lightbulb.

Christine said...

If we really are a bunch of idiots in our basements, why is he so threatened by us? (And the spam thing - I won't even go there. He obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.)

For me, my blog is a place of theropy, and nostalgia. I write about the things I want to share with my children when they're older. I enjoy the community, and socializing in a way that isn't possible in real life.

There are some idiots out there, spouting about things they have no business talking about, but most bloggers have something of value to say, whether it be about politics, current events, parenthood, school life, etc. Is the world of journalism really so threatened by us? (But then as Muzikdude pointed out, perhaps they should be.)

Janet said...

Against my better judgment, I caught a bit of Stars Without Makeup. Most of it was overrated if you ask me, but I remember being quite stunned by the site of Goldie Hawn. Where DOES she hide all that extra skin?

Anonymous said...

Allo there again. think you'll put it all in a book sometime? Coming from Michele land...