Sunday, July 31, 2005

That explains a lot.

but first...
I am just now watching my daughter zoom all over the house, careening around corners at top her brother's wheelchair.

For crap's sake.

I stole this from Tommy's Place...he thinks his was fairly accurate.

Mine is completely spot on.

Which File Extension are You?

I poached this from both True Jersey Girl AND J&Js Mom...

Go to Google and type in "(your name) is"
and see whatcha get.
I used my real name, but am substituting Monty here.

Monty is...considered as the founding father of electronic
communications age. (founding FATHER?)

Monty is...a major effort. (I can name a few people right off the top of my head that would totally agree)

Monty is...truly a rare bird in the music industry. (Is that a nice way of saying I suck at singing?)

Monty is...clearly comfortable playing the role of reluctant philosopher. (Reluctant? Me? NEVER!)

Monty is...a passionate baseball fan and softball player. (I wouldn't say passionate, so much)

Monty is...a true guitar monster. (Define 'monster' *MONTster?*)

Monty sincere as she is self-absorbed. (Okay, so that one's right)

Monty is...fond of saying, the magic is in the hole. (oh dear)(and YEAH it is!)

Monty is...expected to be published first in Japan, then reprinted for US
distribution. (Wow! Ima be famous!)

Monty is...a not for profit organisation promoting the importance of design for enterprise success.

Monty is...a believer in following her passion.

Monty is...such a character — there is no one quite like her. (OH yeah.)

That ought to just about cover it. :)

Now I must go attempt to take my Sunday afternoon doze. Until the "MOOOOOOOOOOOM!" alarm sounds, that is. *sigh*

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I am such a contest whore.

Okay, show of hands.

Have you ever been lost in thought whilst driving down the highway, take the wrong exit, and suddenly realize you have no idea where you are?

Have you ever been besieged by 'worst case scenario' thoughts? Or 'what ifs'?
Like..."What if I stepped in one of these holes and a nest of copperheads lived there?"
"What if my car door suddenly were to fly open and I went tumbling out onto the highway?"

Have you ever wished your abusive spouse would die in a fiery crash?

Have you ever eaten a delicious dish that was filled with yummy jalapenos, knowing full well what would be happening to your body in a few short hours?

Have you ever found yourself standing in the middle of a room, and suddenly can't remember which way you were going, and why?

Or is that just me?

Number one search term for this site this week: *drumroll*

couples sex freddy (MSN)

I don't even know anyone named Freddy.

Completely tasteless gross-out joke of the day:

So, Jeffrey Dahmer asks his mother over for lunch, and they're eating and she says, "Jeffrey, I don't like your friends".
And he says, "Well, then, just eat the vegetables".

Friday, July 29, 2005

As yet untitled.

Quote of the Day:

"There is no cannibalism in the British Navy, absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount." - Sir John Cunningham

My friends MommaK and Zero are tied in first place on the QUIZ, with an exciting score of 90.
See, you do pay attention! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Water, water, everywhere...and nary a drop to drink.

but first...
I stole this from Brian who stole it from someone else.

How well do you know your Monty?
Take this quiz and find out!

So I get leave work last night at about 8pm...go to mom's, have a bite to eat, get the kids...and I walk in my house and hear water running.

This is not usual. At least at my house.

I walk cautiously through the house (with a steak knife in one hand and my Stunzilla stun gun in the other~just in case there's some nut peeing in my bathroom or something)...and end up in the laundry room.

My hot water tank had apparently sprung a leak and my laundry room is now officially swampland.

Heaven knows how long it had been running~I'd left for work at 8:30 that morning.

It is times like this when I am grateful that I rent, rather than own.
My fabulous landlord came out last night and shut off my water (which presented a problem in the whole showering department~luckily me mum is just next door), and then got me all fixed up today by the time I got home from work.

Go Breck. You rock my world.

You know how much I ♥ you, don't you? (especially you, the one for whom I live to stalk)
My earnest apologies for any and all unanswered emails and comments~it's been a trying week.

I have cramps. So there.

I will be visiting tomorrow. Midol would be nice, if you've got it.

That is all.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I've given her all I've got, Captain!

I'm sad.

James Doohan died today.

When it comes to be my time to go, I hope that you're the one to Beam Me Up, Scotty.

Monday, July 18, 2005

They took the words right out of my mouth.

"Is everyone here very stoned?!"~~Spike, the vampire

and then...

I was thinking...

People are often overwhelmed...and sometimes even underwhelmed.
Well, if you can be over it and under it...why isn't anyone ever just...whelmed? What does that mean, anyway? Would it be like...status quo or something?

"Hey, Joe, howyadoon today?"
"Oh, I'm whelmed! How you doin'?"

Anyone else ever wonder that? Or is it just me?

Friday, July 15, 2005

Lookie what I got!

Now, show me some linkie love.
Yeah, I'm talkin' to you.

Norman, this is just for you:

Did I promise no more memes for 6 months?
Guess what? I lied.
Now, when you take something from someone else's blog, it is appropriate to give proper credit. To that end, I stole the following from True Jersey Girl, who got it from Bitchalicious.

I shall call it Application To Become a Loony Nutcase Scientologist.
(according to TJG, these are real questions from the Church of Scientology's "SEC WHOLE TRACK" questionnaire)

What I'd like to know is...will my answers keep me out or will they be killing the fatted calf for me?
And seriously, if you were a really bad alien person, would you answer these questions truthfully? Or does the questionnaire-giver use a jedi mind trick to make you tell the truth?

1. Have you ever driven anyone insane?
Only my parents, so far. But I'm working on the kids.

2. Have you ever killed the wrong person?
If by "wrong" you mean was I trying to kill someone else instead, then the answer is resoundingly 'NO'.

3. Is anybody looking for you?
Well, I HOPE that Mr. Right is out there looking for me. But since I'm not missing, again I have to answer 'NO'.

4. Have you ever set a poor example?
Yes, every day I set an example on how to be poor.

5. Did you come to earth for evil purposes?
Sorry, that information is on a need to know basis. And "evil" is such a subjective term anyway...

6. Are you in hiding?
Yes, from Tom Cruise. My couch is in bad enough shape as it is.

7. Do you systematically set up mysteries?
Only when I want to appear mysterious. Or when my daughter wants to play Scavenger Hunt.

8. Have you ever made a practice of confusing people?
Hey, I'm so good at it I don't have to practice.

9. Have you ever philosophized when you should have acted instead?
Acted like what? Oh, THAT explains Ashton Kutcher's career.

10. Have you ever gone crazy?
No, but one of the voices in my head did. But just that one time. At band camp.

11. Have you ever sought to persuade someone of your insanity?
I'm trying to persuade 'them' that I'm NOT insane. I want my freakin' weekend pass.

12. Have you ever deserted or betrayed a great leader?
Gah, you break up with ONE measly king of one tiny country, and no one ever lets you forget it! You'd be better off asking how many great leaders have deserted or betrayed ME!

13. Have you ever smothered a baby?
Oh, now that's just sick.

14. Do you deserve to have any friends?
You should probably be asking my friends that question.

15. Have you ever castrated anyone?
Mentally? I'm sure there are a few guys out there whom I've emasculated. I've got no regrets.

16. Do you deserve to be enslaved?
I sort of want to try out the love-slave thing. Although it would depend on who was doing the enslaving.

17. Is there any question on this list I had better not ask you again?
Doesn't really matter~I doubt you'd get the same answer twice. Is there any answer on this list I had better not give you again? 'Cause I haven't used "Fuck Off" yet.

18. Have you ever tried to make the physical universe less real?
Only in my mind.

19. Have you ever zapped anyone?
Only now and again, when I've got a bad case of PMS. But I (almost) always apologize for it later.

20. Have you ever had a body with a venereal disease? If so, did you spread it?
Well, the bodies do tend to pile up sometimes...but I'm pretty sure none of them had VD. And I can't tell you where I spread the bodies...then I'll have to go into Witness Protection. AGAIN.

*crosses fingers* Gee, I hope they let me in...


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Was my face red!

Okay, so today at work I'm creating a listing for some western footwear...
...and evidently typed this as part of the title:
Vintage Poots

I also managed to create a listing for a Patchword Skirt

Luckily I caught them both before they launched on eBay.
But I must admit that a tiny, snickery part of me wishes I hadn't.

Jason Alexander is on my short list of "People who annoy me so much I want to put my eyes out with a pointy stick".

I say short list...but it seems to grow longer every day.

If someone were to send me the new Harry Potter book, I wouldn't complain.

However, since payday was today, this weekend I will be indulging myself and getting a new book or three.
That's my payday treat. I may have holey undies, but by damn I'll have something good to read.

Any recommendations? Quickly now. Before I shop. :)

I. am. so. effing. fat.
I can't stand it. AND I can't seem to find the motivation to keep dieting & stuff.
I weigh about 15 (or so) pounds more than I did this time last year! Gah.
Of course, at this time last year I was dating Underdog, so I guess I was more able to stay motivated then.
Or else maybe it was all the wild monkey sex that kept the weight off.

I will be starting a NEW diet & exercise program at exactly...

...some point in the foreseeable future.
Yeah, I'll be sure to let you know when the great day arrives. ;)

Guest Post Tomorrow...or maybe the next day.

It has been a terribly long work-week for me, but I'm off tomorrow so I will be catching up on my blog reading. Be on the lookout for me.

Please have coffee. And cookies. Or maybe ice cream.

That is all.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Resumption of the Guest Post.

(if you did not get an opportunity to send in a guest post but you'd like to, just drop me an email!)

but first...

I've seriously got to find a new boyfriend, so I can go buy new underwear.

(If you're wondering how the two are seems I can only get motivated to buy new undies when there is a hot-guy-might-see-my-panties potential. I'm just sayin'.)

and then...
Has anyone got family members that, when you see them or talk to them, you're reminded of carnival folk?
Or is that just me?

Welcome to today's edition of the Guest Post. The entry you are about to enjoy comes from the ever-engaging Janet from The Art Of Getting By. If she isn't on your list of regular reads...well, what's wrong with you? She's very funny. PLUS as a schoolteacher she's always got good stories to tell.
Thanks, Janet, for playing along.
On with the show!

Holding Out For A Hero

Sometimes I wish I had super powers. Reading people's minds would be nice. The ability to become invisible has its advantages. Unfortunately, I do not posess
these, nor any other super powers. However this does not prevent me from feeling a bit like a dysfunctional comic book character. This is why, as of late, I dub
myself transformed into RANDOM SINGLE FRIEND!

You know your RANDOM SINGLE FRIEND! He or she is the one who narrowly escapes commitment at every turn. Perhaps this is because they've had one too many brushes with MR. NON-COMMITTAL or even a MISS CHEATS-A-LOT or two. And just like in the comics, there has to be an arch nemesis to the RANDOM SINGLE FRIEND'S well intentioned ways. Something or more specifically, someone, to foil the best of laid plans.

It is also possible that you've even been the RANDOM SINGLE FRIEND!, or RSF, at some point in your life. Who knows? Maybe you are even currently
one right now. Notice there are never more than two of these folks maximum per gathering and if there were, they'd no longer be random, thus taking the "specialness" out of the whole damn experience. Of course it's also completely possible that you're a ULETP, Unattached Long Enough To Pee girl or guy. If that's the case well then, you suck.

The older you get the more cumbersome it becomes to be the RSF. I
can't decide if this is worse for a previously attached, new RSF or for someone who has been the longstanding RSF of the group or any group. All I do know is as the years pass by, more and more people pair off; some of whom are never to be
seen or heard from again. These folks are known as WOHWOCC's or
We Only Hang With Other Couples, Couples. If you're a part of a set, they're a part of your life. But if you're not, they're nowhere to be found.

Finally, we have our well intentioned, half of a couple friends, otherwise known as the WIHCF's to round out the group. These are the people that will invite you
to every gathering they have, even if it's an otherwise quiet dinner with their significant other.
Why? Because they are trying to prove a point.

"You don't NEED a significant other! You have US! You are so money
and you don't even know it!"

Unfortunately, for the RSF, these outings are never as fun as you'd hope they be, especially when little things start to remind you of the relationship you used to have, or never had, as the case may be.

Whatever the case, all of these people have one thing in common: they want to see you settled, too. So much so that they all go to great lengths to get their
point across. Some include you to make a statement, while others exclude you to make a very similar statement. All of them are doing so with a certain degree of pity.

Sure they tell you that you don't need someone special, but it's not
long until they're talking over you about your potential love life.
"Isn't ____ single?"
or "You know what you should do?! You should________."

Suddenly it's as if you're being auctioned off to the highest bidder. The only problem is...nobody's buying.

'Cause let's be real here. We live in a society that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt what we all knew already, Virginia isn't the only place made for lovers. Unattached a little while is cool and classy.
Unattached for a long time screams pathetic and desperate.
Everybody, no matter how badly they will deny it, need love in their lives. They need
companionship. Even if your love and companionship ends up coming from 3 cats and a dog, you're still seeking solace in someone or something. It's human nature, how we are programmed.
Can't shoot the messenger on this one.

So what is the lesson to be learned in all of this?
Well quite simply, if you have a RANDOM SINGLE FRIEND, be sensitive to their needs. Understand that inviting them to all couples outings full of public displays of affection, depsite rumors to the contrary, actually does not help boost
one's self esteem.
On the flip side, take some time out to hang with your RSF, and I don't mean from 1 to 3pm on an equally random Thursday afternoon. Cause you know what? That's lame. And they we see right through that, k?

Finally, try to put yourself in said RSF's shoes.
Don't tell them they are great and they are going to meet someone equally as great... blah, blah, blah...because:

1. We know what you're really thinking.

2. You don't know that they will meet someone and guess what?
THEY KNOW YOU DON'T. How do they know? It's really quite simple.

Because most of US used to be YOU.

Now if you'll excuse me...I gotta get cracking on a kickass girlie cape/costume to complete the look.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Some "Tops"


Top ego boost this weekend...
I was sitting at the end of my driveway waiting to pull out.
Some of you may know there is a stoplight in front of my house.
The cars going across had to stop, and there was a young man in the drivers seat. He looked at me. Then he looked away. Then he looked back, tipped his sunglasses down, and kept looking as he slowly crept past my driveway.
I was treated to a brilliant, saucy smile.

Top (recent) keyword searches that brought people here:

Kick the dumb bitch husband out
Ummm...okay...that's weird.

Purple bear and the brain
Does that sound like a kid's show to anyone else?

Array. Hmm. I don't get it.

Top silly questions asked by our customers:

"Would you say that top is pinkish-beige or beige-y pink?"

"Does that jacket have padded shoulders?" *I have to add that in the listings of the items, it clearly stated that the jacket had padded shoulders.

"You have that top listed with a 40" bust. My bust is 38". Will it fit me?"

And then there was the lady who returned a purse because we had it listed as 'eggplant' (which it IS) and she sent it back because she says it is burgundy.

Oh for crap's sake.

So, how was your weekend?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Great A & Q

I've just realized that so many Sundays have come and gone with nary a thought to games.
In an effort to change that, it's time to play the next round of the Great A & Q.
**remember, I give the answer, you tell me the Question. Ready?

The Answer: Because there are only two.


The times they are a-changin'

Ever been a church-goer? Remember when you were a kid and every Sunday your family would get dressed up in their...well...Sunday best?

We did it in my family. Dresses for all the girls, pantyhose at the appropriate age, shiny shoes. Collared shirts and sometimes a tie for the boys. And the shiny shoes.

As I sat in church this morning I looked around at my fellow parishioners.
I was glad to see so many young people there...

~~Now don't eat me, people, the following is in no way a judgement...I could care less what people wear. This is simply an observation of the difference of generations, the changes that happen in the way people think.

When I was a teenager, I wouldn't have been caught dead within 100yards of the church in stretchy pants and a tiny camisole-style top.
I would never have worn flip-flops to church, even with a dress.

My brother would have never worn cargo shorts and a polo shirt and sandals.

PERISH THE THOUGHT! My own grandmother still gives me the fish-eye when I let my daughter wear capri pants to church, or when I wear pants.

Personally, I'm just happy to have the people there, no matter what they've got on.
As long as it is some form of clothing.

Thoughts for the day...
Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young.

Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said.

The main purpose of holding children's parties is to remind yourself that there are children more awful than your own.

We childproofed our homes, but they are still getting in.

Joke of the day...
A man and his wife were working in their garden one day and the man looks
over at his wife and says: "Your butt is getting really big, I mean really
big. I bet your butt is bigger than the barbecue."

With that he proceeded to get a measuring tape and measure the grill
and then went over to where his wife was working and measured his wife's

"Yes, I was right, your butt is two inches wider than the barbecue!!!"

The woman chose to ignore her husband. Later that night in bed, the husband
is feeling frisky. He makes some advances towards his wife who completely
brushes him off.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

She answers: "Do you really think I'm going to fire up this big-ass grill for one little weenie?"

Guess what?
I still have a couple of guest posts floating around my inbox, waiting patiently, twiddling their thumbs, talking in low tones.

So be sure to tune in this week for fun, frolic, and...another 'f' word. *wink*

Friday, July 08, 2005

Why my Friday looked a whole lot like a Monday

The clothes I stuck in the dryer last night were a little damp this morning, so I turned on the dryer whilst I went to get showered & ready for work.

Once I was all nice and dry this morning, I went into the laundry room to get my clothes out of th dryer.
Aaaaah, nice toasty shorts and t-shirt (my typical work-wear).
Got all dressed.
Bent over to pick my belt up off the floor...and let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain when the hot metal of my button hit my belly.
I have perfectly round little red blister there now.

And then...

As many of you know, my son is disabled & he doesn't chew very well. Plus he suffers from many food allergies, so I make his food fresh every day.

So as I was opening cans of veggies and dumping them into the food processor...the handle on the can opener broke. I managed to jerry-rig it long enough to complete my can opening duties and get all the veggies and nice cooked chicken into the food processor.
I put the lid on.
I pushed "On".

After a few seconds, I heard a terrible sound and smelled a burning smell.
The blade that was partially cracked on the food processor has now gone to that big ol' grinder in the sky.
Great. I've so far managed to kill two small appliances in one morning.
I'm so not getting near the microwave.

Not enough for ya? Wait, there's more...

When I moved into my house several years ago, I was stone cold broke. So rather than pay a big deposit for a new phone line, I got a secondary line off my parents' main line (they happen to live next door to me). That way all I had were the regular line charges. I've had no reason to change that.

So after the burial of the dead appliances and the application of burn cream to my tummy, I go grab the phone to make a call.

Here's where the story gets really embarrassing.

I push the 'talk' button...and instead of a dial tone, I hear a 'brrrrrring! Your call can not be completed from this number'.
For crap's sake.
I stood there for at least a full minute, slackjawed, staring at the useless phone in my hand. I guess I was expecting it to apologize and say they'd made some mistake.

I mean, I'm sure I paid the bill last month. I'm almost absolutely mostly certain I did.

In fact, my bill isn't due until the 4th or 5th of every month, so at most I'm a couple days late, right?

Luckily for me, I'm able to think on my feet so I grab the handy-dandy cell-phone, dig up an old phone bill to call the customer service people.
AND again luckily for me I'm somewhat anal and/or compulsive about saving receipts.
Turns out I had actually paid a phone bill...they credited the payment to mom & dad.
Gee, I'm such a thoughtful daughter!

Here's the really sad and pathetic part: I have absolutely no idea how long my phone might have been off. For all I know it was off all week.
I have no clue.
Does that give you any insight into my life?? ;)

And to think, all this before 8:30 am.
The silver lining was that the day could surely only get better from there.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Housekeeping Monthly, 1955

"The Good Wife's Guide"

or alternately titled

"Why Monty is Still Single"

Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have be thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they get home and the prospect of a good meal is part of the warm welcome needed.

Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people.

Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it.

Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives. Run a dustcloth over the tables.

During the cooler months of the year you should prepare and light a fire for him to unwind by. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift too. After all, catering to his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction.

Minimize all noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of the washer, dryer or vacuum. Encourage the children to be quiet.

Be happy to see him.
Greet him with a warm smile and show sincerity in your desire to please him.

Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first - remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.

Don't greet him with complaints and problems.

Don't complain if he's late for dinner or even if he stays out all night. Count this as minor compared to what he might have gone through at work.

Make him comfortable. Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or lie him down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him.

Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice.

Don't ask him questions about his actions or question his judgment or integrity. Remember, he is the master of the house and as such will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. You have no right to question him.

A good wife always knows her place.

Oh dear. There is so much I want to say~but the severe indignation is causing a logjam.

**UPDATE: A rebuttal, thanks to NAT from Mini-Obs!

The Bad Wives Guide by Nat

Have Dinner Out - Spend his hard-earned cash on food items you can only dream of preparing!

What You See Is What You Get - It's been a long day, after all.

Ask Him to Help With The Clutter - Half of this crap is his, anyway!

Ask Him to rub your feet by the fire, after he lights it.

Noise, what noise? - So, the kids are fighting! Big deal, you've heard it ALL DAY!

Be Happy To See Him in front of the TV.

Listen to him. Then make him listen to YOU.

A good wife always knows her place, my butt!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Random Brain Dump

For those of you who asked what a junebug was...

Tip of the Day
Guys, when a girl asks you if you can dance, the answer is never, ever "Maybe you could teach me..."

For crap's sake.
I don't think there's a woman alive who hasn't given a mental eye-roll when she hears that phrase.

Seriously, all I'm thinkin' is "What else am I gonna have to teach you?"
I so do not have the patience for that.

Sight of the Day

Excessively fat guy with a bad case of plumber's butt, riding a crotch rocket.

Good News of the Day
BIG BROTHER starts tomorrow night. YeeeeeeeHAAAAW!

This Day in History

Alaska became the 49th state.
Jefferson Starship was formed.
John Lennon and Paul McCartney met for the very first time...
....and this same day years later they were filming "Hard Day's Night".

Just a little trivia.