Friday, November 01, 2019

Little of this, little of that.

If I ever get another animal I'm naming it Peeve, so I can say, "Yeah this is my pet, Peeve."

I feel like I'm going to have a lot of animals with the same name.

Speaking of Peeves, I've already put in a request to be a poltergeist after I die, and I will be like Harry Potter's Peeves and follow people around making sarcastic remarks and spitting paper wads at them.
So just like in my real life.

In my facebook memories:

"If I ever open a tattoo parlor, it's going to be called Tattooine."

You will not get it if you're not cool.

Also in facebook memories:

"If you don't get my jokes, you probably don't deserve to be my friend."


I'm opting for National Need Books & Booze Month, or NaNeeBooBooMo.

Which reminds me I tried NaNoWriMo one time and did like two days before it completely fled my mind, which is why you will never ever have to worry about competing against me on the NY Times Bestseller List.

Also it's MOVEMBER so the air will soon carry the scent of Jovan Musk and Boogie Nights.

Becca took The Littles (my nieces) trick or treating last night so she got paid in candy and I'm figuring out my fee but mathing is hard.

So, like 4 twizzlers, 12 bite snickers, 7 Reese's peanut butter cups, and 8 fun size three musketeers makes like, what, one regular size candy bar, right? #Frankenbar

Don't worry, I left Becca all the mounds, milky ways, and generic gross stuff.

Don't forget, this Sunday the other half of your clocks will be correct.


Kat said...

I love the idea of naming a pet Peeve. We named our naughty puppy (he was very naughty, he was a mix of Malinois and Siberian Husky, two difficult breeds to train) Mal, from the latin for bad.

I too have a twisted sense of humor, tending towards the dark side and I have actually had people say to me 'what is wrong with you' and stop speaking to me, over a joke.
Lucky I've got my dark and twisty peeps, and we all laugh a lot together.

As a person that has participated in NaNoWriMo many times (one once thank-you), I will be joining you in NaNeeBooBooMo. It's right up my alley these days. Of course it may be more Booze than books, we'll have to see.

Screw Daylight Savings. I'm opting out.
(Not really, but man I'd love to)

Shannon akaMonty said...

YES, I want to quit the Daylight Savings thing! UGH.