Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19. What a day.


Although I am not technically a "housewife" -- I work outside the home and I am NO kind of wife, the Real Housewives Of Oklahoma let me play with them anyway.

The Monday question from TheRHoK this week is "Where Were You On April 19, 1995?"

That was the day our Federal Building was bombed, and at that time the worst "Domestic Terrorist" strike. 168 lives were lost. Some of the faces of those lost ones were familiar ones to me.

1995 was the year my children were born. On this day in 1995, my children were still in Children's Hospital - far too close for comfort to the bomb site.
I remember going ballistic on the NICU staff because a bomb threat was called in to Children's Hospital, as well as the VA Hospital across the street (where my dad & stepmom both worked at the time), and they said THEY WERE NOT EVACUATING at that time.
They were "waiting" until closer to the time of the threat.
You can imagine how well that went over with this first time mom who's children were already in a touch-and-go situation, having been born three and a half MONTHS early.

When the truck-bomb went off in front of the Murrah building, I'd heard the roar and my windows shook a little, but having lived for years under the flight path of Tinker Air Force Base, I barely even noticed and if I thought about it at all, it was easy enough to put down to a sonic boom from passing aircraft.

Until I turned on the news and ... was devastated. I cried that whole day.
I didn't have a job at the time - I spent most of my time at the hospital with my kids.
This day I was at home by myself because I had a slight fever and cough and was not allowed in the NICU.

It was my birthday.

I'm glad it was my birthday, though bittersweet from then to now - because I will always, always remember the ones we lost.

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