Sunday, December 23, 2007

Word Picture Sunday

Join in the fun...don't forget to put your link in the Mr. Linky box so that everyone may come and admire your handiwork! (Smiler has kindly agreed to work on a special Word Picture button--hopefully it will be available soon!)

Now unroll your blogroll and grab a thesaurus--it's time for

The rules are quite simple:
1. Pick a name from your blogroll
2. Think of a single word that you feel describes that person
3. Open an IMAGE SEARCH engine, type in the word, and find the picture that fits.
4. Post the blog, word, and picture.

See how easy? Many of our blogrolls have lots of the same names, so I'll be very interested to see what words YOU come up with for those people.

This week I picked a newer face 'round this part of the blogosphere, a friend who(m?) I met on Twitter. He's deliciously sweet, totally cute, and makes me laugh every single day. If you don't know him already, then I strongly suggest you go introduce yourself to Mike Doe. You'll like him. If you don't, then possibly that means there's something wrong with you. ;)
The word I picked for Mike is


Who'd you pick?

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