Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Yesterday was National Talk Like A Pirate Day.
And I missed it. Boo.

Otherwise I would have said AVAST ye landlubbers! and AHOY there mateys! and But..WHERE'S THE RUM?!

(and where IS the rum, by the way? Because I need a drink)

This parrot has ceased to be.

Please go and wish a very, very happy birthday to my dear friend Nancy and her darling baby Alien of Now You Listen Here!
Nancy is 492 months old today!
The Alien is 7 months old today!


My "." came home! The prodigal "." is finally home, after going missing for a month and a half past curfew. Shame, shame.

At last I can properly punctuate again!
What a frockin' relief.

So, our GREAT STATE FAIR is here...and we own the dubious honor of hosting the Rock, Paper, Scissors Championship.

I hoped thought it was a joke.
For crap's sake.

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