MOMMAK and I would like to welcome you to...
Make Your Own Blog Super Hero Weekend.
We have both invented Blog Super Heroes for ourselves and would like to invite you to do the same. Be sure to let us know if you'd like to play along, so we can add you to our...
"League of Super Bloggers"
MommaK: Super Fairy Blog Mother

This pretty pixie will grant you 3 wishes every time she visits you. She will sprinkle fairy dust on your blog and leave a quarter under your pillow each time someone adds you to their blogroll. She also is a bookie for betting on the Battle of the Blogs, so if you need any action- she's your girl. But if you lose, she'll be back to collect those quarters.
Aka_Monty: Anti-Troll Avenger

Got a nasty troll infestation?
Just call the Anti-Troll Avenger!
Always on the job, she is happy to deliver the verbal smackdown, she attacks without warning those who would attempt insult, and always, always gets the last word.
Let her make your day with a little payback.
BRANDIE: The Bitchy Girl Wonder

Champion of all that is pissy and rant-worthy in the blogging world! I will defend your right to do as you please on your own blog-- be it bitching, moaning, bellyaching, or cussing like a sailor-- to the bitter end! And anyone who has a problem with what you have to say will have to deal with The Bitchy Girl Wonder's patented "Bitch Slap of Reason!"
And let us not forget she is also the Protector of Panties. I wonder if Brandie will be my sidekick~~play Robin to my Batman, Arthur to my Tick...
MW: Blog Precog

Can adroitly avoid being sent to blogs that will forever debilitate my psyche and lower extremities through the use of extraordinary perceptive abilities that can scent dangerous links on Michele's Meet & Greet.
EASY: The Weyrmaster. Guardian of travelers on The Glory Road.

Powers are ability to obscure the truth by spreading a fog of self-delusion. However, since I'm fundamentally lazy by nature, my pet dragon does most of the work.

Able to balance family and chores on the end of a single pinky. Wise enough to remain neutral and unbiased yet defend her beliefs with conviction upon attack. But the balance is delicate so watch out, her moods can swing with the pendelum with little provocation. She's Libra Girl--She sees both sides of the issue and defends your right to your beliefs as long as you don't attack anyone else's!
RAEHAN: Goofy Girl

Goofy girl makes her way through the blogosphere like a hurricane, leaving comments with strange and unpredictable force, sometimes terribly lengthy, sometimes strangely, awkwardly short, but always sloppy and bewildering. Her purpose is to spread confusion and thereby disorient trolls that are lurking in the corners or any comment room.
Yeah, she scares 'em out so's I can catch 'em! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!
POOPIE: Sweet Thang With An Attitude

She'll listen to your rants and whines and actually TALK BACK! What a woman. Don't dare step on her cute 'lil toes though. She might just go off on a rant and never return to the land-o-fun and play. Coming soon to a theatre near you...the "One Your Mother Always Dreamed About For You" starring Poopie. Buy her liquor and show her what you've got and BOOM. You can save the world together! If not, you'll have a good time trying.
TOMMY: The Villain
Thinking himself cool and stylin', The Villain spends a lot of time wandering aimlessly around, thinking dastardly thoughts and cackling madly to himself.
Unfortunately for him, he's really quite harmless.
Please try to act scared if you see him, he could use a nice ego boost.
Xtessa: The Asian Ecstasy

sexy and sassy, this introspective heroine wields her healing powers through laughter and inspiration. trained in the ancient arts sassiness, she will karate-chop anyone who belittles womanhood and motherhood! her favorite weapon, a quill made of phoenix feather!
You should see what she can do with that feather! I've heard stories...
TRINE: The Thinker

Cursed with too many thoughts, a house too full of books and a sidekick who can quote academic texts like an encyclopedia, The Thinker will help you figure stuff out, share an idea with you every day and share in the delights of the literary canon, should you ever feel the need to quote Shakespeare or Stendhal in public... If not, make her day by leaving a comment in her virtual home.
The Grammar Fairy

The grammar fairy automatically comes in and fixes incorrect spelling, broken sentences, and bad grammar with a simple wave of her wand, but only if you are a good and kind blogger, that spreads goodness and cheer in the blogo-sphere. She, like every superhero, leads a normal life during the day... as a book editor.
True Jersey Girl: Bad-Ass Mama

She is a mom and blogger by day, party girl by night! Party catastrophe – your blender has broken in the middle of your fiesta? No need to fear, Badass Mama is here! Frozen margaritas for all! Need something vaguely interesting to read that won’t make you have to think but might make you laugh? Badass Mama to the rescue! She fights evil right-wingers with the greatest of ease, spreading liberal joy to all with a shake of her odd silver bra-like thing! She’s….Badass Mama! Our hero!
soapbox.SUPERSTAR: Insomnia Girl

On less than 3 hours sleep per night, due to fussy baby syndrome, insomniagirl swoops through her days taking her children to their various schools, completing household chores and tackling large quantities of laundry all while simultaneously working her 8 to 5 where she takes no crap from the grown "children" on various construction jobsites. She bathes kiddos, wipes snot, sometimes cooks and can read a set of blueprints all while dragging a 15 month old from one leg, where he seems to be permanently attached. Will she get some sleep tonight? Only time will tell!
Risible Girl: Couch Potato

With her trusty side-kick in one hand and a cup o' joe in the other, Couch Potato conquers the world by sitting on her butt all day. Her weapon is her razor-like wit, and snappy comebacks. She fights evil doers by threatening to blog about them if they don't behave. As long as it doesn't involve physical activity, you can count on Couch Potato to be by your side.
MELINDA: The Domestically Challenged Goddess

Don't ask this girl to cook, clean, iron or spend any length of time with children. Not if you like her, your taste buds or your kids. She's an event planning diva and her parties have anywhere from hundreds to thousands of people. She can hold a whole court of men enrapt with her wit and charm, while never having to pay for a cocktail. She can fit in anywhere except the kitchen. That, she's allergic to. The only thing she can make is reservations, but that she can do fabulously!
STEPH: The Caffeinator

Composer and musician by day, she is an Incurable Insomniac at night. Every night. Need to stay awake? Call The Caffeinator!
Your Blog Super Hero Will Go Here
we just need an image and description from you!
What are you waiting for? Get creative and join us in helping to make the Blog World a better place!
Okay, I've put on the cape and the mask...but I am so not trying to squeeze these thighs into a pair of tights.
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