Sunday, February 13, 2005


Today my sweet babies are 10 years old.

Where O where has the time flown to? Especially as I'm not a day over 18. ;) (okay, x2)

Aaaaaaaaaah, would that I had a fainting couch, upon which I could fling myself with an attack of the vapors.

(what exactly are 'the vapors'? As a lass I read WAY too much historical~note the finger quotes~romance, and it seems the ladies always had smelling salts to ward off this evil condition)

Our Girl Scout cookies are my day today will be spent sorting 145 boxes of cookies into piles for their intended recipients...and I can't find my post-it notes.

Maybe I'll just make a big pile & let everyone grab their own. If only people were still honorable about using the honor system.

Now gimme the money.


Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by. Happy Birthday to you babies. I have a 10 year old too - and I'm not a day over 21. (or 34, you pick)

Shaunta said...

Happy Birthday to those babies! I have a daughter who will be 13 this summer. I'm not handling it well. I am NOT ready for her to be this grown up!!!

Michele sent me! Great blog :)


DJ said...

What beautiful kids! Happy Birthday to them.