Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Seriously, people are pissing me off.

I just read a blog post from someone who put the link on facebook, and I am APPALLED.
It was something about a "hate cake" and "making it okay for your kids to hate you".
I'm not saying I disagree with that part - celebrate it with a cake, do what I did and laugh and say that's okay, I love you anyway, or shout I HATE YOU TOO - whatever works for you.

But what this 15 year old girl said to her mother was "YOU FUCKING BITCH, I HATE YOU!"


If you're a parent you've probably had to deal with the hate phase at some point, as nearly every kid I ever met has been there. *I* went through it.
But never, ever ever have I called my mother a fucking bitch.
I don't even remember THINKING about her in those terms.
Even at the ripe old age of...however old I am (forty-something, I can't really remember right now), I rarely swear in front of my parents. I never swore in front of them at all until I was in my 20s, and I've NEVER sworn AT them. NEVER. EVER.
For one thing, even now my dad would probably slap the teeth out of my head.
You just don't DO that.

And here all these readers (including a couple of people for whom I USED to have a lot more respect than I do now) are all "oooh, I love this post!" "Oh yeah, that is exactly right, our kids should be able to hate us!" and "haha, I wish I'd have thought of a cake!".


Everyone is okay with a 15 year old brat calling her mother a FUCKING BITCH right to her face?
It's sickening, if you ask me. It's sickening even if you didn't ask me.

No wonder why our world is heading into the toilet. Nobody teaches respect anymore.

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