Friday, April 11, 2008

It's raining babies! Halleluja!

That's right, it's a baby shower! Turn your umbrellas upside down.
Raehan is one of my oldest (and most favorite) blogfriends. She's sweet natured and gentle, super-intelligent and kind -- I know, I know, my complete opposite. Why are we friends again?
Mostly through my good luck and her bad taste. :)
The beauteous Raehan is due to give birth very, very soon, and we're having a virtual baby shower! It's open to all you lovely people, and you don't even have to bring a gift (but of course, you can if you want to - GO HERE to donate to the cause!).
Her due date is officially April 29, but since MY birthday is April 19th, I took that date in the baby pool. COME ON BABY, it's only 10 days early! Do me right.

Now, YOU run on over to Raehan's Place and tell her congratulations and have a glass of punch. Make sure you get the green punch, because that's the bowl I spiked.

LOVE YOU, RAE!! And all your babies too. xoxoxoxoxoxox

And also?

9pm Central, 10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific

Songs with all the colors of the rainbow will abound tonight.

And Empire Radio is all moved into its new home - LISTEN HERE or HERE!

The Mosh Pit will be open!
Come and bring me a live request.

Hey, everyone else is doin' it.

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