Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Debriefing

First things first...
TONIGHT. 8pm Central. 9pm East Coast. 6pm West Coast.


There was a brief insurrection in the ranks, but I ruthlessly quashed it.
ºA Drinking Game
ºDouble Shots
ºTWO SPECIAL dedications
ºAs always, your weekly HOROSCOPE

You don't want to miss this show.

I appear to have survived The Mission, but I don't mind telling you it was touch and go for a while.
Unfortunately, as I was busy congratulating myself on a job well done, I realized that I had left two names off my list.
Now I have to go back. *gak*
And the wrapping, O! the wrapping.
I'm thinking gift bags. Or paper grocery sacks. Whatever.

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

Please refrain from answering that last question.

My darling daughter made a pot of coffee this morning, so that it would be ready when I got up. It was more delicious than mine.
She's either The Perfect Child or The Bad Seed.
Only time will tell.
However, I've started calling her Rhoda, just in case.

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