Sunday, August 06, 2006

Home...home again...

but first...
I have transferred my Blogathon Songs to PODOMATIC. I finally figured something out, all by my ownself.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten what I owe you. It's a-comin'.

I am road-weary from the unrelenting, miserable heat (according to one sign it was 109ยบ at the Oklahoma/Texas state line and did I mention that my car does not have a working air conditioner??), so I will say only two things about my
Saturday With Jules (other than it was mucho fun-o)...

1. We started with brunch


B. FIRST BLOOD is a MUCH better movie if you turn the sound down, turn on the captions, and act it out yourself.

You can go see Jules for more details.
If you dare.

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